Friday, February 27, 2009


Just like there's anti-matter, which (at least on Star Trek) obliterates matter when it comes in contact with it, I think there's other anti-stuff in the universe.

For example, I think there's such a thing as anti-information. When you encounter it you actually know less than you knew previously. Republican economic theories, for example.

I think this needs some fleshing out. I also suspect that we in the Banking industry have not so much been making losses as creating anti-money.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Anti-Environmental Horror Movie Idea

Here's the scenario:

Mutant rats live under New York City. No surprise there, we all know they do. But here's the twist: the rats are stunted and feeble because of all the pollution seeping into the sewers from the City and the Hudson.

Along comes a charismatic governor (I see him as fortyish and blonde, someone who looks like he owns a ski resort in Utah) who leads a massive cleanup of the river and the city.

And of course, within months there are reports of shadowy creatures and pets going missing.

That's when we meet our hero. He's a dashing single dad who works as an ecologist in Central Park. He sees one of the now giant rats out of the corner of his eye and pursues it down a tunnel...eventually he's in a subway tunnel and jumps on a car, where we meet (tell me if you've seen this before) the beautiful heroine, who's a subway engineer by day and a biology student by night.

The rest writes itself...after all sorts of scary adventures they finally convince people that they need to pollute more, and this begins to wipe the rats out again. Just before the last rat dies, we hear it (for the first time in the film) speak: "No..."